Family Systems, Society, and Psychologists

If family systems reinforce and perpetuate role outlets of certain behaviors, including a child taking on the expression of all the family’s unexpressed and felt emotions, then, are the people who hit bottom in society the expression of the dysfunctional roles and feelings of society? Perhaps. What is clear is that as long as post-modernist […]

Hate and Love

Over compassion by parents towards children, and adults towards adults, is hatred. Kind, firm, and persistent discipline of children by parents is love.

Acceptance and the Future

“If you put yourself in a position where you have to stretch outside of your comfort zone, then you are forced to expand your consciousness.” – Les Brown I think the truely mature know how to accept people, ideas, thoughts, feelings, emotions, and choices, needs, wants, dreams, and the parts of themselves they’re ashamed of, […]

New Intersectionality

The New Intersectionality is that of science, psychology, and theology. This is evidenced in the writings of Henry Stapp’s Mindful Universe: Quantum Mechanics and the Participating Observer, Jordan B. Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life, and John Bevere’s book, The Fear of the Lord. Stapp writes (loc.167, Kindle edi): “In psychology the identity and form of […]

The Math of Meta and Quantum

There may be a connection between the mathematical work of mathematician Eric Weinstein, and the quantum theory and writing of Henry Stapp. Eric Weinstein’s work in mathematics may give language to the quantum mechanics of human agency’s influence or models of reality of the mind, and its’ influence on the brain. Choice. As said by […]

Traffic Congestion Reduction

Traffic congestion is exacerbated by the mutually exclusive zoning of residential and business. The more that zoning mutual exclusivity of business and residential is reduced, the more traffic congestion could be reduced, not withstanding other factors. The further separated individuals are from what they need and want, the further they must travel to get it, […]