Societal Status and Serotonin

Stand up straight with your shoulders back, and the part of the brain which tracks status in society, and their relative serotonin production, could that be connected to what Malcolm Gladwell pointed out, that someone who perceives themselves as being a big fish in a small pond is 30% less likely to drop out of […]

The Conversion of China to a Decentralized Government

Cryptocurrencies will play a pivital role in toppling Mainland China’s authoritarian power, converting it to a democracy or democratic republic, because cryptocurrencies erode the ability of the Communists to manipulate the Yuen, which will erode a fundamental pillar of Chinese communist rule, which is keeping the people distracted by material success. The People will eventually […]

Nation State Currency’s v. Cryptocurrencies

Crytocurrency will become the new backing for state nation state currencies. Like the newspaper has died to the level of those people who like the tactile experience of reading them, nation state currencies will decrease in use to the degree they provide a useful function, including competing with other nation state currencies, and cryptocurrencies.

Why did God Create a World of Suffering and Evil?

He didn’t. He created a world were evil is an option, because freedom requires the ability to choose, and since God is Goodness, He does not embody Goodness, He is Goodness, beginning at any Point, Goodness is what God is without end, in all directions, Infinitly growing in greater revelations of Goodness every direction one […]

The Evil Allowed

The passive bare the same weight of moral responsibility as the active. There is no safety from moral condemnation in the passive admission of evil. Bad things happen in the world because the race of men allow it.

The Leading Edge of Material Reality Will Become Widely Known as the Bridge between Spirit and Nature

Whatever the vernacular used, that the spiritual dimension is where reality is fundamentally based and derived, for instance the immaterial minds’ power to control and change the material brain, or the empirical scientific effects of spiritual reality, will become the leading edge of breakthrough research in science, especially in disciplines that have become stagnant.